Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Unknown Artist

Flat geometric shapes, asymmetrical balance,  and monochromatic color scheme, with unity and containment established in the composition through a grid. 
Unknown Artist
But would like to know the figure!

Horizontally directed shapes with cast shadows and dramatic lighting to emphasize texture on the figure's skin.  Contrast through color is established through accent colors of primary red and blue in the speedos that are in contrast to the muted orange, grays, and blues.
Hawaiian Island Creations Unknown Artist

Flat geometric abstract shapes with radial symmetry and containment. 
Lucille Holling

Attached shadows create volume in an otherwise flat figure.  A complimentary color scheme is used with visual weight balanced with the vertical figure in between horizontal shapes.
From This is Los Angeles  Miroslav Sasek

Flat geometric abstract shapes with split complimentary color scheme. Grouping of objects establishes unity in the composition and rhythm is created by repeating the same fish like shape in the background.

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