Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Brown Pelicans  Michelle Morin
watercolor and gouache on paper  2011

Abstract shapes with invented texture in the feathers and beaks of the figures

Sandlilies  Nell Brinkley
Ink on Paper 1916

Horizontally directed contour lines with physical texture present using a combination of various textural sizes, density, and orientation. 

from Cefalopodi Veventi nel Golfo di Napoli  Adolf Naef

This engraving displays organic lines throughout with visual and physical texture in tromp l'oeil

J.C. Leyendecker

Visual and physical texture on the skin of the figures and their clothing with side lighting used to increase a dramatic effect.

Jolby and Ashley Forette

Strong use of abstract shapes and contour lines with visual texture varying in density

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