Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Brown Pelicans  Michelle Morin
watercolor and gouache on paper  2011

Abstract shapes with invented texture in the feathers and beaks of the figures

Sandlilies  Nell Brinkley
Ink on Paper 1916

Horizontally directed contour lines with physical texture present using a combination of various textural sizes, density, and orientation. 

from Cefalopodi Veventi nel Golfo di Napoli  Adolf Naef

This engraving displays organic lines throughout with visual and physical texture in tromp l'oeil

J.C. Leyendecker

Visual and physical texture on the skin of the figures and their clothing with side lighting used to increase a dramatic effect.

Jolby and Ashley Forette

Strong use of abstract shapes and contour lines with visual texture varying in density

Friday, April 13, 2012


Unknown Artist

Flat, geometric abstract shapes with high definition present in both figures and the ground.  

Unknown Artist

The submarine figure is a volume due to shading while other figures are flat and abstract.  The ground is The illusion of space is enhanced by size variation.

from  The Animal Kingdom Charlie Harper

Flat, abstract shapes that are geometric with low definition in the ground and high definition in the figures  A figure/ground reversal effect is also present.

Nereids  Meg Hunt

Flat, curvilinear organic shapes with low-definition present in the figures
Largest Bankruptcies  Tyler and Elsa Lang
Infographic 2010

Flat, rectilinear geometric shapes with strong use of pure forms and high definition to articulate a clear and immediate message

Guantanamo Baywatch is a surf/garage rock band from Portland Oregon. Definitely some low def, rectilinear stuff going on with this band.

Friday, April 6, 2012


from Kunstformen der Natur Ernst Haeckel
engraving 1904

Strong continuous curves with closure and contour lines to illustrate organic forms.   
Romance Rock  Joey Chou
Epson UltraChrome on Epson Water Color Paper

Diagonally directed lines with strong closure lines and organization complimenting geometric shapes and forms.
Sea Flowers  Jill Bliss

Horizontally directed implied lines in the background with diagonally directed implied and contour lines in foreground to illustrate texture.
The Great Escape Angie Wang 

Diagonally directed, fluid contour and closure lines, with the figures in the foreground creating vertical division and organization.

Spore Sam Bosma
ink on paper 2011

Vertically directed, continuous curve, with contour to illustrate three-dimensionality and implied lines to illustrate texture and movement, involving the viewer. 

Seapony is a band from Seattle, WA. Nothing to do with class, but their sound reminds me of the sea, and worth listening to while looking at all these images.